Leading in sustainability

Something we’re very proud of at Moxba, is our low carbon footprint. We strive to lead sustainability by lowering CO₂-emissions as much as possible. To accomplish this, we use innovations to reduce energy consumption and emission. Learn all about it in this article.

Something we’re very proud of at Moxba, is our low carbon footprint. We strive to lead sustainability by lowering CO₂-emissions as much as possible. To accomplish this, we use innovations to reduce energy consumption and emission. Learn all about it in this article.

How low can you go?

By choosing the right technologies and the right sustainable energy sources, we contribute largely to lowering worldwide CO₂-emissions. The alloy we produce from metal and catalyst waste streams, save 85% (!) CO₂-emissions compared to mining the same materials. This is audited by SGS.

It starts with a vision

When it became clear that there is a world-wide need to support avoiding depletion of metals, we knew we could play a dominant role in the recycling of spent catalysts in a sustainable way. Lowering CO₂-emissions was a big part of this discussion, and thus we chose to focus on recycling the metals in a way that the CO₂ produced per unit of recycled metal is as low as possible.

Daily innovations

We keep on improving our processes and locations to keep lowering our carbon footprint. For this we use sustainable innovations. Our facility in Brazil, that we invested in in 2011, is fully hydro-powered. In 2021, we invested in a large fleet of brand new, reusable catalyst bins, that are more sustainable, but also more efficient and safer for handling and transporting catalysts. We have been audited and have multiple licenses, like ISO14040, ISO9001 and ISO 14001. And with our already 85% save on CO₂-emissions, we can proudly call ourselves the most sustainable spent catalyst recycling company in the world

In a nutshell

  • Hydro powered facility in Brazil 
  • 85% save on CO₂-emissions 
  • Recycling all metals 
  • Recycling even the Sulphur from spent catalysts 
  • Multiple ISO-licenses 
  • Use of reusable catalyst bins

Producing green metal

The metals and alloys we produce also help steel-mills in lowering their carbon footprint when making Green Steel. With our full loop recycling we offer our clients alloys to replace the metal units from mining. This way, we enable them to produce green steel and help lower their own carbon footprint, as lowering CO₂-emissions world-wide. 

For every single 20Mt container FeMoNi alloy we deliver to our customers, we save the equivalent of CO₂-emissions of 227 cars who drive 15.000km on a yearly basis! 

Keep moving forward

Naturally, we are striving hard to even increase this number of 85% CO₂-savings over the years to come. There are many steps we’ve already taken, like: processing other metal-containing waste streams and fully recycling the Sulphur, present on the spent refinery catalysts, into fertilizer components. And yet, there are a lot more steps on the way forward. With around 45.000mt of spent catalysts recycling  per year, and saving >70.000mt of CO₂ being produced, we keep on evolving our processes and determination to process materials in the most efficient, sustainable manner. 

We are your reliable partner in metal recycling.

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